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U periodu od 15.04.2024. do 31.07.2024. godine u autokući Annuš uz svako punjenje klime ili servis klima uređaja dobijate besplatnu dezinfekciju klime! Pogledajte zašto je dezinfekcija auto klime važna.
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Istražite celu gamu Fiat Professional komercijalnih vozila. Furgon, pick up, šasija
za nadogradnju: saznajte koji model najviše odgovara vašim potrebama.
Novo u ponudi
RAVENOL Super Performance Truck SAE 5W-30 is a high alloyed USHPD low friction engine oil for commercial vehicles. Because of the use of synthetic basic oils the viscosity area 5W-30 could be realised.
RAVENOL VSG SAE 75W-90 is a high performance universal transmission oil based on the latest fully synthetic components.RAVENOL VSG SAE 75W-90 is designed based on high-quality synthetic base oils with a special additive treatment and inhibition ensuring trouble-free transmission function.
RAVENOL FO SAE 5W-30 is modern high performance low friction multigrade engine oil, which ensures the high viscosity index because of formulation with special base oils. RAVENOL FO SAE 5W-30 has excellent characteristics because of it’s carefully selected highly effective additive.
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Radno vreme: 8-16h pon-pet,
subotom: 8-12h
Vareška 18, 24000 Subotica, Srbija GPS